Posted: Tuesday, 15 March 2011 @ 16:51
The Government has given its support to a Private Members Bill which propses to cut the red tape on live muisic in pubs which hold 200 or less. They will be exempt from restrictions on regulated entertainment, and will not need to be licensed for such entertainment.
The Government support has cost an agreement to limit the live music to an 11pm finish time. It is hoped that the Bill will make rapid progress in the next month.
This will be a great help to pubs who want to put on live music on a small scale and who would otherwise not apply for a license with its associated cost and heavy restrictions.
I will provide an update via my blogs on the full detail of the new provisions when thay have been passed by the House of Commons.
Nigel Musgrove
Licensing Law Specialist
tel: 01285 847001
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