Update-Royal Wedding and the sale of alcohol

Posted: Friday, 4 May 2018 @ 09:32

The Royal Wedding is fast approaching. I recently posted a blog giving details of the extension of hours for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises and extended late night refreshment for those premises.

Some premises may have areas not covered by their Premises Licence in which they allow the consumption of alcohol purchased elsewhere on their premises. That is called an off-sale and is not covered by the Royal Wedding extensions. And regulated entertainment is not extended. So if you need extra hours for off-sales or regulated entertainment, you will have to give a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

The bad news is that you are too late to give a regular TEN. But the good news is you do have until Thursday 10 May to give a late TEN, if that procedure is available to you.

You can apply on-line paying the fee of £21. If you apply by post or hand delivery of a hard copy the form must be sent to the Licensing Authority with an extra copy, and you must also deliver a copy the police and local environmental health officer.

Yo can serve a late notice no earlier than 9 clear days and no later than 5 clear days before the event. But the later you leave it there is more likelihood of an objection from the police, and little or no time for any negotiation or hearing.For a more detailed explanation see my article on TENs.

For free advice on this topic please call us on 0845 003 5639.

This blog is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor is it intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the law, and what we say might be out of date by the time you read it. You should always seek legal advice to confirm whether or how any information in this article applies to your particular situation. We offer a free telephone consultation to discuss your particular circumstances.


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Thank you. Your response is great, very straight to the point! Hopefully this will bring an end to the matter. I will certainly be recommending your services as I am very impressed with the prompt dealing of this matter.
Janet Burbidge

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